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Shiitake Mushroom

Al Parker

Scientific/medical name(s): Lentinus edodes, Lentinula edodes

The Shiitake mushroom is a native Asian fungus that grows in the forest. Extracts of this fungus are used in herbal remedies. Sometimes the whole mushroom is used as well.

Animal studies have shown this fungus to have antitumor properties as well as cholestrol lowering benefits. It also showed the ability to inhibit viruses. More studies are needed on this product to prove it's benefits to humans although it is highly recommended as a dietary supplement.

According to the American Cancer Institute promoters of this product claim this fungus reduces tumor activity and lowers the side effects of traditional cancer treatment.

The American Cancer Society says,"Animal studies have shown some positive results regarding the antitumor, cholesterol-lowering, and virus-inhibiting effects of several active compounds in shiitake mushrooms.

There have been some studies in humans. At least one randomized clinical trial of lentinan has shown it to prolong life of patients with advanced and recurrent stomach and colorectal cancer who were also given chemotherapy. Lentinan is a beta glucan (sometimes called beta glycan) that is found in several mushrooms, yeasts, and other foods. Beta glucan is a polysaccharide, a large and complex molecule made up of smaller sugar molecules. The beta glucan polysaccharide is believed to stimulate the immune system and activate certain cells and proteins that attack cancer, including macrophages, T-cells, and natural killer cells. In laboratory studies, beta glucan appears to slow the growth of cancer in some cell cultures.
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